Rabu, 01 Juli 2015


What I'm Wearing: Asos Jacket (Sale!), American Vintage Top, Mango Suede Skirt, H&M Mules, Celine Bag and Celine Sunglasses, Green Here, Brown Here.

Boy It's good to be back. Apologises for the lack of posting during the month of June, to say it's been chaotic is a massive understatement; I've juggled the planning of our wedding (which has been going on for well over two years!), a potential move into a new home, becoming a wife(so weird to say!) and then two weeks away in the most picturesque country I've ever visited.. I can't exactly complain- life has been a massive whirlwind. And now, I'm back to reality with a massive thud. I've got the itchiest of feet now having nothing to plan, so now I'm turning my attention to homeware-my favourite!

Anyway, at my most busiest of times I havn't had time to plan an outfit, or even go shopping for anything other than bridal for that matter, which is when I make the most of my basics. This American Vintage tee is the easiest piece to style (and now also a steal for only 30% in grey and black!) Pull on a pair of blue wash skinny jeans (these are in the sale) or aline skirt (I've got my eye on this patchwork one) and you've got yourself a winning outfit which you'll be able to recycle over and over.

Get The Look:
Top: Revolve, Matches (30% here) and here,
Skirt:  ASOS, Topshop, River Island,

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